Finance Council
Council Member – works with the council to provide the parish family, as well as its Pastoral Council, committees, and staff with the pertinent financial data for joint administrative decisions necessary to the present and future parish operations and goals. The Finance Council is one of 9 Standing Committees which meet once each month and send a voting representative to the Pastoral Council.
FUNdraising Committee – plans and carries out or schedules parish fundraisers intended to raise money to provide items and or programs that may not otherwise be affordable in the current fiscal year. Annual fundraisers are: Chicken BBQ and Golf Tournament. Ideas and energy are welcome!!
FUNdraising Volunteer – This is a person who helps make fundraising events happen with only a few hours of commitment. Help by selling
tickets at masses, setup/cleanup for events, distributing flyers, serving refreshments, helping at golf tournament and any other fundraising events that might come up.
FUNdraising Volunteer to solicit donations –
Volunteers to seek donations from our community and area businesses for raffle baskets and door prizes.
Planned Giving Committee – reviews and then offers information and opportunities to the parish for donating to SEAS to ensure our long term financial security through bequests, memorials, the founders’ tree (in the narthex) and other initiatives.
If you want to build a ship, don't herd people together to collect wood and don't assign them tasks, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupery